How Do I Deal With Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux could cause hoarseness, a sore throat, and literally leave your mouth with a sour taste. When acid reflux causes chronic symptoms, then it becomes a disorder known as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disorder. Heartburn, which is heavy pain felt in the chest and upper abdomen, is the primary symptom of GERD.

Either way, you should consult with Dr. Babak Mohajer, our gastroenterologist in our New York, NY, practice to figure out what’s causing your acid reflux to relieve your symptoms and prevent further complications. With that said, if you’re experiencing symptoms GERD, you can try the following tips:

Watch What You Eat

Certain foods are more likely to cause acid reflux than others. These include spices, fatty foods, onions, tomatoes, garlic, alcohol, chocolate, tea, and coffee. Try eliminating these foods from your diet to see if it helps alleviate your symptoms.

Eat Slowly and Sparingly

Reflux can easily build up in the esophagus if the stomach is full. To avoid this, try eating smaller meals more regularly during the day instead of the standard three huge meals daily.

Remain Upright After Eating

Gravity helps keep stomach acids confined in the stomach even when you’re just siting or standing. So don’t lie down or sleep immediately after eating and wait for a minimum of three hours before sleeping.

Refrain from Drinking Carbonated Drinks

These make you burp and, in turn, send stomach acids back into your esophagus. Likewise, opt for flat water rather than sparkling water.

Elevate your Upper Body when Sleeping

The head should ideally around six to eight inches higher than the feet. To do this, try tall bed risers for the legs or a foam wedge for the upper body. Do not stack your pillows to make a wedge since this won’t provide uniform support for your upper body.

Lose Excess Weight

Excess weight spreads the supporting muscular structure of your lower esophageal sphincter, which reduces the pressure holding the sphincter closed. In turn, this results in heartburn and reflux.

Check Your Medicines

Some medications, including anti-inflammatory pain relievers, tricyclic anti-depressants, and estrogen, could relax the esophageal sphincter. Others, on the other hand, bisphosphonates in particular, which are taken for increasing bone density, could irritate the esophagus.

If these fail to alleviate your symptoms or if you’re having trouble swallowing or are feeling severe pain, visit your gastroenterologist in New York, NY, for a checkup. You might need prescription medications and other treatments to control your acid reflux and related symptoms.

Get Relief from Acid Reflux Now

Call (212) 260-6505 to reach out to Dr. Babak Mohajer and set your consultation in our New York, NY, office. We are also currently entertaining televisit appointments due to the COVID-19 situation.

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